List of anal tasks

List of anal tasks

Remove your plug…taste it and put it back in…do not do this in the toilet and do not get caught! As a reward watch men taking anal plugs for the first time…pls let me know how it tastes
Slap your own balls as hard as you can until you’re nearly crying while u watch some  porn and as you leak taste it
Take a walk outside while wearing a butt plug. Make sure you are outside for at least 30 minutes. When you are back from your walk edge three timesc
Put 10 clothespins on your ass while fucking yourself with a dildo. Don’t cum. Send me a picture of your lovely ass
Time for a ruined orgasm. Stretch your ass on the biggest dildo/plug you have. Edge for five times while fucking yourself in the ass. On the fifth time, get to the point of no return and stop arousing yourself which should cause a ruined orgasm. I want a video!
I want you to bring yourself to the edge via only anal stimulation. If you cannot do it via only anal stimulation then aim to do it via mostly anal stimulation. Use the stopwatch to time how long it takes you.

Wait for a minute and then edge again, via the same method you used earlier. Time yourself again and then compare the times. Were you faster the second time around? If so, good, continue repeating these anal edges until you have edged 5 times. Each edge must be faster than the last. If you manage to be faster than the last time for each subsequent edge then you may have an orgasm. If you aren’t faster than the last time, start again at edge 1.

If you fail the timer two times then continue onwards anyway but ruin your orgasm instead of having a full one.

Watch 5 minutes of squirting porn while fucking your ass with a dildo. Don’t cum!

Send your keyholder snaps while you do so, so they may judge your performance.

Write out 5 activities you fantasize about while stretching your ass on the largest dildo you can handle.
Ejaculating Dildo
It’s time to try pegging or masturbating with an ejaculating dildo, even better if you hate the idea of a cock shaped dildo going into your ass and cumming inside of you. This isn’t about enjoyment it’s about doing as you’re told and this challenge is telling you to fuck yourself with an ejaculating cock.

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