List of edging tasks

Edge yourself to the first drop. Wear light-colored boxers or panties and edge yourself inside them. Do it until you get one drop of precum and stop. Make sure you get precum and not cum. Send me a picture of this one drop.
Edge 5 times with five five-minute breaks. I want you to use a string to tie weight to your balls. After each edge I want you to increase the weight (the easiest it to use a bottle of water and fill it up)
watch some porn and finger your asshole, do not rub your cock…do this for about 3hrs. Lube if you need to and let me know how it goes
Find a few co-workers fantasize about them and rub yourself. Go to the bathroom and rub your balls, thinking of them…as a bonus watch some celebrity porn to elevate your fantasy settings. Try to stay limp so you leak and get turned on by the fact you can never have your co-workers or the celebs if you manage to watch celeb porn. Keep me updated and make sure to work less.
I want you to bring yourself to the very edge of orgasm but do NOT go over. Furthermore, no breaks as when you get to the edge I expect you to stay there to the best of your ability. Not edge, calm down, edge again, and calm down again. To start there you might have to touch really SLOWLY.

Once you’re at the edge and riding it, go to any porn video of your choice that is either about post orgasm torture or feet. Remember, you are not allowed to cum.

During the video, iy want you to do the following things:

When the minute number is even, pull on your balls so that they ache.

When the minute number is odd, squeeze your biomes lightly.

Whenever you see someone orgasm in a video, remove all stimulation, put your hands on your feet and thrust into/fuck the air.

Do this for 3 videos.
You are to remain denied after your challenge. No orgasm for you.

15 days into the 10 month is when your last had an orgasm. Let’s multiply those numbers together to get to 150 seconds.

Set a timer for 150 seconds and try to reach the edge as many times as you can in that timeframe. Once the timer is up insert once finger into your ass and tease it lightly and continue edging. Do this for as many seconds as 5 x {{the Number Of Edges Achieved}}.

Finally I want you to listen to Cal’s Curse every night for the next week. Touch yourself as you listen to it but don’t let yourself reach the edge. Let it torment you and go to bed frustrated and denied.

I want you to touch yourself for 5 minutes without allowing yourself to reach the edge. Stop at about 60% of the way to orgasm.

Then I want you to find an object or item such as a pillow or a chair and bring yourself to a full edge with it hands-free.

Now I want you to repeat this 3 more times with a 5-minute non-edging but the constant touching period before each hands-free edge.

I want you to look specifically at the filthiest goon content you can find when you are not allowed to edge and switch to something different every time.

3 days

I think you can go a little longer than that without orgasm, wouldn’t you agree?

The Challenge
I want you to edge whilst also decelerating your stroking speed. I want you to start off stroking at your normal pace. Every 10 seconds, you reduce your stroking speed by half. Repeat this 4 times so that you are eventually stroking at 1/16th of the speed you started with. 10 seconds later you are to stop touching altogether for 1 minute.

You are tasked with reaching the edge 3 times. For every time you don’t reach the edge in a single cycle then you are to write on your arm a degrading title such as “slut”. Have fun!

You are denied your orgasm but will be allowed one in 5 days if you can edge at least 10 times per day

I want you to bring yourself to the edge of orgasm and hold it for a minute. After you have sufficiently built up tension I want you to go lie next to a wall with your feet facing it. Walk your feet up that wall and flip them over your head. Next, bring yourself to the edge one more time and hold it for a minute.

This next part is the hardest part. I don’t want you to orgasm and I don’t want you to even ruin an orgasm but there is one more level lower than that.

Ejaculation can be separated from orgasm. In this case, you are going to ejaculate a load onto your face without an orgasm, not even a ruined one. To do this you are going to have to edge a lot and eventually you may feel a physical build-up in your cock of cum. Keep edging, keep close, and when you feel the build-up, completely relax, bring yourself as stupidly close to the edge as you can and let that cum out and all over your face.

Once completed, rub that cum into your face and lie with it as a desperate denied slut covered in their own cum that they didn’t even get to have by an orgasm.

This is a challenge regarding the clothes you are to wear. Starting from when you get dressed tomorrow choose an outfit with only 3 pieces of clothing.

Every hour when the minutes are XX:00 you are to remove one piece of clothing. You may put a piece of clothing back on every time you have a 5 minute edging session where you edge at least 6 times. You may cut the session short if you reach 6 edges. If you don’t reach 6 edges the edging session doesn’t count.

If you don’t remove an article of clothing when you are supposed to and haven’t had an edging session to counter it in advance then you are denied your orgasm at the end of the day and have to be on no-touch for as many days as times you failed to strip.

All items of clothing except shoes and outside coats count. This means that you can put them on without edging but also can’t count their removal.

I want you to go drink water until you need to use the bathroom. You don’t need to be desperate but you need to feel an urge to go.

Next i want you to stop completely naked and sit on your bed. Take a deep breath and hold it and relax all your muscles. With your left hand, ball it up into a fist and lightly press on your bladder. Whilst doing that, using your right hand, SLOWLY rub your clit in a way that feels good to you but remember, rub SLOWLY. I want you to close your eyes whilst you do this, keep relaxing ask your muscles and take feel breaths.

Keep touching gently and keep going until you eventually reach an edge. When you do, stop touching your clit and just run your hands up and down your body for 1 minute. Give yourself a massage but avoid erogenous zones, the main idea is to relax.

I want you to repeat this until you have edged 3 times at least then you may use the toilet. You may have a ruined orgasm if you repeat it 5 times without going to the toilet. Remember the massage lasts 1 minute!

Have fun!

Regardless of whether you get a ruined orgasm or not you are to be denied after the challenge for the next 4 days then you may have an orgasm if the first 2 days are no-touch and then you achieve 25 edges on days 3 and 4. Otherwise stay denied for the whole week.


Clothes Pegs/Pins or clips.

The Challenge
I want you to bring yourself as close to the edge as possible stroking your cock in your preferred way.

When you’re about to hit that point of no return. Let go, grab your nipples and oil on them and twist.

As you do this I want you to fuck start fucking the air Infront of you.

Let yourself calm down and grab some clothes pins/pegs or clips. Go sit on a bed with a loose duvet. Rest your balls on the bed and attach the clothes pins to your balls and a bit of the duvet.

Repeat the first part of the challenge and then you go to fuck the air. The clothes pins/pegs with either pull off your balls or the duvet as you fuck the air. It shouldn’t hurt too much.

Orgasm Verdict
Yes but only if you can cum from exclusively nipple stimulation.

For this challenge I want you to take your remote vibrator and tape it to the underside of your cock so that it touches the frenulum.

You are to turn it on remotely for 5 seconds every time one of the following things occur:

You get a message or notification on your phone.

You go to take a sip of water.

You leave or enter your bedroom.

Whenever you go to play a video game, read, or watch television.

At some point in the day I want you to practice your oral skills. Firstly insert a butt plug in your ass to get prepared and then position your dildo so that you can give it head. During this time you may only have the vibrator that is taped to your frenulum on when your mouth is around the dildo. Your should keep doing this until the vibrator edges you 5 times.

Once finished, remove the butt plug use the dildo to fuck your ass and edge with your prostate 2 more times.

When all is said and done, reinsert your butt plug and continue activating the vibrator with the above triggers, try and keep it going for as long as you can.

Get comfortable and place your hand between your legs. Slowly start touching yourself. Edging starts the same way as working to an orgasm. But right before you cum, you stop. So touch yourself in your favorite way. Work up to an orgasm just like you did last week. But right before you cum you will stop touching yourself. Make no contact with your ass/pussy/dick. Wait until the feeling has faded away. You’ve edged once. Good job! You will edge like this multiple times each day. For today you have to edge just once more. After that you are allowed to cum.
Today you are  allowed to touch yourself the whole day long, but with one requirement. All touching, even with toys, have to be done with your non dominant hand. Touch yourself for at least 5 minutes.
Let’s restrict your touching time today. You are allowed to touch yourself for a total of 3 hours today. If you start touching yourself, you have to keep touching for 1 hour. If you stop before that hour is up, you loose the remaining minutes of that hour.
You can touch yourself for 15 minutes today in any way you like. But try to edge at least three times today.

If you want a bit of a challenge, set a times of 15 minutes. Try and edge exactly on every 5 minute mark.

I quite like the idea of letting your surroundings decide what you will do today. I want you to look out of a window. Depending on a few things, you are going to touch yourself.

If it is cloudy outside, you may use your dominant hand to touch yourself.

If it is sunny outside, you must use your non dominant hand.

If it is snowing or raining, you will touch yourself in the shower or in bath.

There might also be objects outside.

For every car you can see through the window, edge once while on your knees.

For every tree you can see edge once while laying down. (doesn’t have to be in the shower)

For every person you see play at least 10 seconds with your nipples.

How about a day where you don’t use your normal way to edge yourself. Instead you will grind yourself on an object. You may choose this object yourself. It can be your pillow, part of your bed or even just a toy you are keeping stationary so you have to hump it.

I want you to edge at least once this way. If you can’t then consider this day a no touch day. You can grind yourself, or get noting.

Do you not like the idea of choosing the object yourself, then go stand in the middle of a room. Close your eyes and spin enough to make yourself dissoriented. Open your eyes and hump the first object that you see.

Insert your smallest plug in. Sit at the corner of your bed so the plug will pushed in while your caged cock free to access. You now start to watch for my porn while you shake the whole cage and tap your balls. 15 minutes. Go
Put your cock ring over your cock and insert either your butt plug or your dildo into your ass. Take an opaque bag and put the insertable you didn’t choose into it. You are going to go outside.

Here is a small list of mini-tasks I want you to complete:

At some point in your journey away from your house, swap your currently inserted toy for the one you packed in your bag. Find a secluded area of a public bathroom and swap them.

When the dildo is inserted in your ass, find a place to sit down and grind against it.

Spend 15 minutes at least window shopping.

Mark two points and time how long it takes to get from point A to point B.

In a suitable area, find an excuse to go shirtless then when nobody is looking, pinch your nipples.

Edge normally once in a secluded or private area.

If you perform at least 5 of these then you have earned a full orgasm, if 4 then a ruined orgasm, if less than that then you don’t get to cum.  Bonus points if your orgasm is in a public space (that is secluded or private like a bathroom) though this isn’t mandatory, and additional bonus points if you orgasm in your clothes and only change them when you get home.

For the entire duration of this task, you are NOT allowed to have an orgasm, but I want you to receive some sort of stimulation as frequently as possible. You can start by wearing your vibrating cock ring and for as much as possible I want you to keep it vibrating. In addition to that, I want you to use your wand vibrator against the sensitive underside of the tip of your dick. However, I want you to use the vibrator over your underwear and pants. This will make sense when you read the Punishment section.

I do not want you to get too close to the edge, I don’t want you to risk accidentally orgasming without permission. I want you to do your best to take yourself to about 85% to 90% of the way to the edge so that it feels teasing and intense but without as much of a risk for you cumming with the vibrating cock ring working its magic when the wand vibrator isn’t active.

Do your best to force yourself through this teasing for at least 5 minutes before taking a 10-minute break. During this 10-minute break, I want you to keep the vibrating cock ring active so that you don’t truly get a break from the stimulation. You just remove the vibrating wand. Once your 10 minutes elapse, repeat but instead of 5 minutes, tease yourself for 6 minutes. I want you to repeat this loop until you get to 10 minutes. After getting past the 10-minute mark for the final session, I want you to take your dick out of your pants and ruin an orgasm over your stomach. This will mean that you need to remove the vibrating cock ring beforehand to kill off any stimulation for the “orgasm”.

If you accidentally orgasm during the challenge before the end then you must do your best to ruin it. Because you must use the vibrator over your clothes. An accidental orgasm will also ruin your clothes. Your punishment is to keep wearing them as they are for the next hour.

To alter the difficulty of this challenge, consider the following:

Instead of starting at 5-minute teasing sessions and working your way up to 10 then start on 10 and work your way to 15. If you want it easier then start on 2 and work your way to 6 minutes.

Eliminate breaks and just have all your teasing sessions in one go for a more intense and short challenge.

During your break periods, the wand vibrator must be alternated between stimulating your nipples and pressing on the bladder a little as you can get prostate stimulation from doing so.

5 rounds. Each round you edge yourself to the max and then stay there for at least 20 seconds (or until precum appears). After each round you wait 5 minutes where you are only allowed to tap your balls lightly. You are allowed to watch porn. Send me the one best you have found during the rounds
Official no-touch day. What do I mean with no touch? I mean that you aren’t allowed to touch your ass, pussy, dick or balls at all. Of course, cleaning is still allowed. Hygiene and safety are more important than following orders.

What are you allowed to touch today? You may touch your nipples today. Or you can spank your ass. But any holes or genitals are off-limits. It isn’t required to touch yourself at all today, but you’re still allowed to.

Close your eyes. I want you to go over all your sensitive spots in your mind. Imagine someone touching your shoulders and then lightly trailing down to your waist. Hitting all the best places to touch on the way down. Right until they come close to your genitals.

Imagine them touching you there. How they would please you. Imagine what it feels like if they started using their tongue to please you.

When you are done imagining, you can open your eyes and continue your day as if nothing happened.

Now that you have experienced a lot of orgasm denial, you must be desperate. Maybe even desperate enough to fantasise about your next orgasm. Don’t read ahead and sneak a peak. Write down how you want your next orgasm to be. Try and describe it the best you can. Where do you want it to be? How would you reach the orgasm? Do you sit or lay down? Have fun with it! Send me the result
Today you are going to sit or stand in a pose for 10 minutes. During these 10 minutes you are going to imagine all the ways you want to have an orgasm. What ways would you bring yourself to an orgasm? Would you use any toys? Or you can fantasise about getting fucked really hard. Anything is possible in your imagination.

But what are the poses and why did I say “sit or stand”? You can choose the pose. You know your body best. Some people can’t sit on their knees for a long period of time, and some can’t stand for that long. So the choice is yours.

Sit on your knees. Legs open wide and hands behind your back.

Stand with your feet shoulder width apart. Place your hands behind your back.

Sit on your hands and knees. Leaning on your elbows and with your ass in the air.

Stand with your feet shoulder width apart. Now place your hands behind your head.

Go stand in the middle of a room where no one is. It would be best if you were naked, but clothes aren’t a problem. You haven’t touched for a week, so you need a little warming up. Slowly go over your body with yout hands. From your shoulders to your nipples to your hips. Try and find the spot you find the nicest. Go over this spot a few more times before slowly bringing your hands to your genitals.

Now slowly rub or stroke yourself. How does it feel? You are finally allowed to touch yourself again. You may play with your balls or finger yourself. Make it feel very good. Savior this moment. Because this is what denial does to you.

You aren’t allowed to edge or cum today, but you can touch yourself the whole day long.

Today you are going to edge and your name is going to decide how you do it. It can be your real name, full name, nickname, username whatever you want to use I don’t care but you have to decide now before you read the rules.

I hope you decided right

You will edge for each letter in your name. Ex. John=4 John Doe=7…altgirlaltacc=13

So you have the amount, now you need the means. I have matched a position/instruction to each letter some of them are harder than others, some you have to get creative with how you edge. Do each edge according to each corresponding letter or for easy mode do all edges according to the first letter in your name.. Good luck.

A: Arms behind back

B: Bent over something

C: Cosplay (get dressed up, whatever you like)

D: Doggystyle

E: Eyes on yourself (in the mirror)

F: Face down ass up

G: Grab something (you have to be holding something the whole time don’t drop it)

H: Hands and knees

I: Insertion (something inside fingers, dildo etc.)(be safe)

J: Just the tip (stimulate just the tip or use just the tip to stimulate)

K: Kneeling

L: Legs in the air

M: Mouth (use your mouth in some way, suck your fingers/dildo, this can also include talking dirty to yourself)

N: No hands

O: On your back

P: Picture (take a picture of yourself or edge to a picture)

Q: Quickie (edge as fast as you can)

R: Ropes (something has to be tied) (be safe)

S: Standing

T: Tongue out

U: Underwear (edge with underwear on or in your mouth)

V: Vibrator (if you do not have a vibrator Visualize: edge to your most embarrassing fantasy)

W: Write (write down your fantasy and edge as you read it aloud)

X: Cross legged

Y: Your favorite position

Z: Lucky you, this is the only way you are allowed to come, after you finish your edges of course

roll 3 dice together.
You get to choose between taking an option to orgasm, and turning it down to wait longer for the chance to experience a more satisfying release. Once you orgasm (ruins included), your bonus points start over!
1-8- No chance to orgasm
9- Ruined orgasm using a vibrator while in a chastity device. If you don’t have a chastity device, wear 3 pairs of pants
10- Orgasm with only anal stimulation. If you fail, still reset your points!
11- Flip a coin – heads, you can orgasm however you like. Tails, your points reset and you get no release
12- Full orgasm using a vibrator while in a chastity device. If you don’t have a chastity device, wear 3 pairs of pants
13- Ruined orgasm using your hands
14- Ruined orgasm using a vibrator
15-18- A full orgasm using your hands or a vibrator

If you don’t take a release, roll to see what you will do today
No touching whatsoever
Edge once for every day you have waited so far
20 minutes of anal play, no genital stimulation today
Touch yourself for 20 minutes today
No touching at all
Play with yourself extremely slowly for 20 minutes, never getting close to the edge

From now on, you’re denied. You can break your denial by walking. There are two ways to see if you walked enough. You can either count your steps or measure the distance you walked. All steps throught the day count towards the goal. So if you walk a lot for work, this challenge will be easy for you!

You can orgasm if you walk:

42.000 steps


35 kilometers

It is up to you if you get to the goal within a week, or if you take a lot longer. Just know that you aren’t allowed to orgasm until you hit the goal.


a vibrating toy with a large amount of speed setting that can make you cum.

a large amount of erotic material / your fave NSFW subs

I’m going to explain this with a toy that can be can be controlled percentage wise but this could also be completed by a toy with 10 speed options by adjusting slightly.

Playing the game You will start with your toy at 1% and begin to enjoy it as you browse your material. You should try to look at the time when the minutes ends with a 5 or a 0. If it does turn up your toy by 5%. If not turn it down by how many minutes until the next 5 or 0. So you checked at 13:36? Down 4%. checked at 13:40 up 5% yay! The aim get to 100% then you may cum!

Rules You cannot go below 1% If you accidentally go over the edge before 100% you must ruin it and stay denied the rest of the day. If you give up with this game before 100% you must stay on no touch the rest of the day.

Adjustments for toys with less speed settings Every time you check the time outside of 5/0mins down 1 setting Everything you check on 5/0 mins go up 1 setting.

Today, you are going to be a Bee. More specifically, a drone bee. to do this, you will put something in you bottom (preferably a plug) to be your stinger, and put as much honey in your mouth as you feel comfortable doing. Drone bees live between 15-40ish days in the the summer, so we can split the difference and say you have 30 minutes before you are allowed to fertilize the queen (cum). However, here are the rules to live your bee drone life-

You cannot swallow the honey until you cum, but you can let it ooze and dribble down you chin (if you feel comfortable with that)

-you must listen to some bee sounds, an audio loop, drone music drone file, or dronification hypnosis file file as you masturbate

-To masturbate, you have to use something that goes buzz buzz. It can be a vibrator, your electric toothbrush, a washing machine- get creative. aside from vibration, you are effectively on no touch.

you must be in a position where your stinger (plug) could potentially fall out. If it does, your life expectancy is drastically reduced. cum as soon as possible and ruin it !

Also, if you fail to cum in 40 minutes, unfortunately you did not survive the summer and failed to mate with the queen. no cumming for you.

All you need is a deck of cards, and some household items (or toys if you have ’em!). You will need a pillow/soft surface, a brush handle/dildo (or something similar), ice cubes/nipple clamps, and your hands/vibrator.

Here’s how it works; each suit will correspond to a different task. each number will correspond to either the amount of times or the time elapsed–depending on the suit. Face cards count as 10. Your goal is to draw the ACE of all four suits, no orgasms until you have won! Here are the tasks:

Hearts – Use your hands/vibrator to edge yourself the amount of times as the number on the card (you may continue to the next card while completing these)

Diamonds – Use the brush handle/dildo (or a finger if you’re new) on your asshole for however many minutes as the number on the card

Spades – Hump your pillow/soft surface for however many minutes as the number on the card. You may not use your hands during this time

Clubs – Use the nipple clamps/rub ice on your nipples for however many minutes as the number on the card.

In this dare, you roll a 6 sided die once per day. Do the task for the number that you roll! If you roll a number that you have previously rolled, you are allowed to orgasm. Then if you want to keep playing start over, reseting all the numbers!

No touching today, watch porn for 30 minutes

Edge yourself for 30 minutes today

Stimulate yourself anally for 30 minutes today, no genital touch

No touching or watching porn at all today

Touch yourself for 20 minutes today, but don’t get close to the edge

Touch yourself for only 3 minutes, getting as close to the edge as possible

<h2>Grade yourself : Masturbation  </h2>
Each item equals 1 point. Sum your points and tweet the results and tag me @lustmoments

Masturbate in chastity.

Have a ruined orgasm.

Have a self-facial.

Eat your own cum.

Use a vibrator to masturbate.

Have a prostate orgasm.

Use a mechanical sex machine.

Watch sissy/feminization hypno.

Finger your anus.

Moan while masturbating.

Use an anal douche.

Have an anal enema.

Gape your ass.

Masturbate by stimulating your nipples.

Perform auto-fellatio.

Task If you have two hours to spare you can do the task. If you do go ahead, start by doing the following. Remove your clothes and kneel in the most boring corner in your place. Now start edging for forty five minutes. At forty five minute take a fifteen minute break. Get up and move around, but you can not touch yourself while on break. Once the break is over retake your spot and resume edging yourself for thirty more minutes. Then stop for another 15 minute break. Once the break is over go back to kneeling in the corner. This time edge hard and fast for three times, right to the brink each time. Then upon reaching the brink the third time. STOP! Hands off yourself for five minutes. Now the reward. If there’s any time remaining on the clock you can give yourself an orgasm. In fact keep giving yourself orgasms until the clock runs out. The punishment would be if the clock ran out before you finished your last edging. If this happens then hands off. You are not allowed to masturbate or orgasm until you can start this task over. You can only orgasm if you successfully finish the task. Ah! That’s easy to do. I will watch the clock and time the final edging to leave time to orgasm. Wrong, to make this more challenging for a worthy slave like yourself. You can not see the time. Set a timer somewhere in your place where you can’t see. Set it for the two hours. You could use the timer on the stove, or an alarm clock. Even the time on your phone will work. Just make sure you can’t see it. All the other times, the first 45 mins the two 15 minute breaks and the next 30 mins you’ll have to estimate. Now that makes it more of a challenge and fun to do. Are you still game to try? Say, yes sir if you are going to do it. Please note that at the end of the task. I expect a message with the amount of orgasms you had.
You’ll need a toilet for this task.
1- tie your balls, get them well separated from your body
2- raise the seat cover
3- place your balls were you would usually sit
4- edge yourself until you are hard, real hard
5- drop the cover. The higher it was raised, the faster it will be for impact
5- repeat until you can no longer dare to bash your balls. film it, take pictures and send to me
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